The Driscoll Lab's high speed cameras are now available as a User Facility.
This means you can apply for an afternoon of time using them in Prof. Driscoll's lab. You will need to work with your teacher to develop the proposal. The Driscoll lab has some lab supplies you can use, and can help you build your setup. Below are a few example high speed movies to give you an idea of how powerful it can be to see things really fast. The Driscoll 'labs advanced research cameras can film things happening at up to 500,000 frames per second!
A soap bubble popping, filmed at 10,000 fps. Note how you can see the rim become unstable and emit tiny droplets.
A drop of alcohol hitting a glass slide, filmed at 30,000 fps. A very thin sheet of fluid is created right after impact, which then quickly disintegrates into thousands of tiny droplets.
An underwater air bubble slowly rising, and then pinching off, filmed at 30,000 fps. The bubble oscillates wildly after it pinches off.