google scholar
I am a soft condensed matter experimentalist, and my lab’s focus is to understand, characterize, and control soft materials. Soft materials, such as gels, pastes, and suspensions, are completely disordered, highly nonlinear, and fundamentally out-of-equilibrium; to understand these materials requires the development of new insights and innovative techniques. In my work, I use emergent structure formation as a powerful new tool to probe soft materials. Exploring a diversity of materials is central to my lab's science; we identify model systems for complex soft materials, and then exploit their simplicity to understand complex material response.
graduate researcher
project: microrollers in confinement
Akalanka received his Bachelor's in Physics from the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Currently, his interests lie in the field of experimental soft matter physics & fluid dynamics. Previously, he did research on simulating magnetic reconnection models in a resistive MHD framework. Outside of work he likes spending time with his family and exploring the city.
undergraduate researcher
project: colloidal films
Isabella is a first year undergraduate student studying Integrated Science and Physics. She is also a part of Reflections, a ballet focused group on campus, and is a part of Ballet Chicago’s Studio Company. In her free time, she enjoys reading and listening to music.
postdoctoral researcher
personal website
Shih-Yuan Chen got his Ph.D. in Dr. Daniels’ lab at North Carolina State University, working on elastocapillarity and active matter. His current project focuses on synthesizing tunable materials using colloids and polymers.
graduate researcher
project: gel fracture
Samira graduated with a B.A. in Physics and Data Science from Mount Holyoke College with a focus on chemistry. She has previously studied the translocation of DNA via a fabricated solid-state nanopore as well as the dynamics of topological defects in an active nematic microtubule system. Samira is also receiving training in Hindustani classical music in addition to her work in the lab.
graduate researcher
project: magnetic microrollers
Shankhadeep received his BS-MS with a physics major from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata. He keeps an interest in interdisciplinary research and is now working on the hydrodynamics of particles with tunable locomotion strategies. He has a profound regard for artistic activities and pursues painting as a hobby.
undergraduate researcher
project: microrollers in structured environments
Abby is an undergraduate Physics and Psychology double major in the class of 2028. On campus, she is involved in Cats Who Compost and WIP (We’re in Physics). She also plays for NU Women’s Rugby Team and enjoys film photography.
undergraduate researcher
project: gel fracture
Haley is an undergraduate Physics major in the class of 2026. On campus she is involved in WIP (we’re in physics), Northwestern Hillel, and NU gymnastics Club. Outside of classes, she enjoys watching reality television and doing gymnastics.